An ISO 9001:2015 Company
Installation & Commissioning :

MEDITRON undertakes the job starting from design to installation and commisioning of the products designed and manufactured by us. Under this assignment our activities cover the following :

      • Civil work for foundation.
      • Fabrication of cable tray.
      • Placement of the Panels/Consoles at their respective location in control room.
      • Laying and termination and linking between the panels.
      • Energizing the system.
      • Trial run.

Custom Made Electrics:

Unitised Sub-Station for Feeder Breaker & Coal Handling Plant (CHP) - This product was designed and developed by MEDITRON in the year 1994 for total control and monitoring of coal handling plants having feeder breaker where coal is crushed and broken into pieces, thereafter by conveyor it is transported to the loading point.
It is a 6.6 KV/3.3 KV/415 Volt system comprising of the following :

      • HT Breaker & Transformer.
      • Power Control Center.
      • Motor Control Center.
      • Control Desk with Mimic.

This system is mounted on common base channel and can be used as a modular unit or as integrated system. The HT & LT system are fully draw out. The total sequential control & signalling are available on control desk and flow can be visualized on the mimic.

Import Substitutes:

We give solutions to many special items which are developed here to substitute imported systems.A skid mounted Unitised Sub Station to substitute the imported Australian system for Piparwar Project of CCL has been designed and devloped by us. This system comprises of 6.6 KV VCB, 1 MVA - 6.6 KV/3.3 KV + 415 V transformer, 3.3 KV - 4 nos. motor starters, 2 nos. - LT starter - all 6 with remote control, LTDB & welding plug & sockets with all varieties of protection like earth leakage, short circuit etc. All incoming & outgoing control on plugs & sockets - this system is transportable.

      • PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
      • SCADA for remote control and monitoring.
      • Modem for radio control.

© MEDITRON, 2016